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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jugaad Receipe - II

Hello friends.. her I am with the second Jugaad receipe. one of the easiest ones

Left-over Chapaati (roti) upma: This can be conveniently made as a breakfast item from last night's leftover rotis. Besides being tasty it is nutritious too.. So what are you waiting for..Go ahead try this :-)

Chapaatis - around 6
onion- one small
mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
oil - for frying - 2 tsp
pinch of turmeric powder
salt - as per taste
Curry leaves - a bunch

Method: Cut the rotis into very small pieces using a sharp knife. You can also use the mixer to cut it into very small pieces. heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds. when the seeds crackle add chopped onion and fry a little. Add the rotis that are cut into very small pieces. Add salt and turmeric powder as per taste. also add curry leaves. Stir for some more time and it is ready..

Voila...aapka naashta taiyaar hai :-)